Wishing Tree Wellness
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We are all just walking each other home -

Ram Dass

Welcome Friend!

This is a safe space for growing and expanding, and becoming an abundant conscious creator of your reality and life. Through years of struggle, fear, anxiety, self-doubt, the ego, the darkness of the world around us, we began to create a fortress around our heart that even we ourselves cannot break into. We think that if we keep our deepest desires, dreams, hopes for the future safe in our heart, that no one can take it away because we have protected them and buried them deep in the fortress we have created and thrown away the key.

The time is now, dear one. Time to breakdown the walls we have built around our heart. It is safe to show the world who you truly are. To unhide the parts of us that we keep safe to prevent us from rejection, pain, hurt, deception. By standing in our power, shining our light for all to see, we in turn will show others that they themselves can stand in their power. That it is safe to be all that you are meant to be.

I am here to support you in your journey of self-discovery. Helping you to look deep within your heart to find your inner compass and start navigating your life through the heart. Allowing the ego to take a backseat and granting the heart to lead the way. The more we lead and live from the heart, the more happiness, abundance, acceptance, joy, and love will fill your life and the lives of others that you come into contact with.



1:1 Offerings

Health & Wellbeing Session

Reiki Certification Levels 1 & 2

Intuitive Energy Healing Session

4 Week Yoga for the Pelvic Floor Masterclass (coming soon!)


Family Yoga

Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health

Yoga Retreats